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Category: Side Dishes

Tahdig Flippin’

Tahdig Flippin’

This is how you simply and swiftly flip the Persian cake of savory golden goodness you’ve created in the rice cooker. The “Tahdig” is arguably the crowd favorite at any  meal so every cook wants to proudly present their masterpiece. By cooking it in a rice cooker you get a tahdig cake of the golden crunchy goodness to be enjoyed by all.

Note- you must do the flip with confidence. Tahdig flipping is not for the light hearted!

Here, my cousin Payam demonstrates:







Elegant Egg Salad

Elegant Egg Salad

A couple of hard boiled eggs often end up being an express lunch or breakfast on a busy day. A dollop of Sriracha and I’m good to go! Today however, I decided to elevate my express lunch and added new flavors to a long time favorite. After all, I just had an awesome workout in Central Park and was starving!

This recipe is also a good choice for: picnic sandwiches, afternoon tea sandwiches and works well served on mini cocktail bread for a quick appetizer when hosting!




Homemade Falafel with Herb Tahini Sauce and Shirazi Salad

Homemade Falafel with Herb Tahini Sauce and Shirazi Salad

Falafel! The ultimate Middle Eastern  comfort food, the name of which probably comes from the word pilpel (pepper, felfel in Farsi- referring to the shape of a pepper corn) was made in two ways: In Egypt today, from crushed, soaked fava beans and combined with chickpeas or, as Yemenite Jews and the Arabs of Jerusalem did, from chickpeas alone. My version uses chickpeas and herbs and it’s simple and finger lickin’ good!

Note: Add a drizzle of Harisa (a hot sauce paste used in North African cuisine, made from chili peppers, paprika, and olive oil) for an extra kick!


***A special thanks to the Kashin Kitchen for hosting the recipe testing of  this deelish dish!

Spice Crusted Chickpeas with Mint Yogurt Sauce

Spice Crusted Chickpeas with Mint Yogurt Sauce

This is one of my favorite dishes to make. It is humble in its simplicity while simultaneously luxurious given the melange of spices. Mostly savory with a whisper of sweetness. The ginger, cumin and turmeric provide warmth and earthiness. The garlic and chilies add a nice heat. The walnuts provide just the right amount of textural contrast. The subtle sweetness of the cinnamon rounds all elements of earth, fire and nuttiness together… and for the finale- the coolness of the mint and yogurt balance our the entire dish. It’s a carnival for the taste buds!

Once upon a time, these spices were only available to royalty and the elite. They were a luxury for which wars were fought over and kingdoms were built or destroyed. Spices were used as currency in trade. These exotic flavors made their way from far away lands via the spice trade to the homes of nobility and were not nearly as accessible as they are to us today. These days all it takes is quick trip to the local supermarket to acquire the same riches.

That is why I entourage you to use spices. Many of us are afraid of using the ones we’re not familiar with. This recipe is a great way to dip your toe in the water! A can of chickpeas from your pantry and a combination of these spices makes a satisfying yet super healthy dish. The cool mint yogurt will balance the heat of the spices and your kitchen will smell divine!
