Happy Fall Equinox from Basil and Roses!
In honor of the beginning of Autumn and recent Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, I wanted to share a piece I wrote on the blog about “change” linked below. Today is the fall equinox, the day both the Northern and Southern hemispheres will experience an equal amount of daylight. I love both the science and poetry of this. For awesome facts on the subject, check out this great article from Vox, And, as the earth continues to turn on its tilted axis, relish the notion that celestial bodies are generating the perfect balance of forces in our universe.
I’ve been dealing with personal difficult changes lately… but spending recent days surrounded by family, friends and love- I’m reminded of how much there is to be grateful for. How much there is to look forward to. And how neither the past nor the future is yet written. We evolve and grow and hopefully become better versions of our selves as we embrace the seasons of our lives.
Happy new year, Shana Tova and happy Autumn, friends!