Around the Table in 365 Days
The departure of a year welcomes many new memories. As we near the end of this year, I like to take a moment and reflect on the last twelve months; the challenges faced, the lessons learned, the new friendships built. And of course for the epicurean-hearted, the delicious meals shared with loved ones, breaking bread together, in style.
Seneca, the Roman Stoic philosopher said “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Who knew what to truly expect a year ago today? We all had specific hopes and plans of course, but alas the best laid plans… And though the year may have had it’s challenges, and the Oxford dictionary word of the year is “toxic,” I like to believe there was more good than ugly. More nourishment than toxicity. More magic than madness.
Call me an eternal optimist but the world is filled with wonder. Science advanced, new planets were discovered, more women were elected into government, friendships were fortified, people in love found each other, new skills were learned, music was heard, and flowers bloomed. We made it through life’s ups and downs, and came together around tables in New York, Tehran, Tokyo, and beyond.
Around those tables live my favorite memories of the last 365 days. Arguably, there is nothing more precious than those moments shared with friends and family, old and new. In that spirit, here are some of our favorite recipes… cook them for someone you love.
So Happy New Year, friends! Or as Charles Dickens said, “May the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you!”